
James Buchanan, (1986)

The landowner who withdraws land from productive use to a purely private use should be required to pay higher, not lower, taxes.


Helen Keller (1880-1968)

Who reads will find in Henry George's philosophy a rare beauty and power of inspiration, and a splendid faith in the essential nobility of human nature.


Hon. Clyde Cameron, AM, former ALP MP

“Rent as Revenue tells us why the founders of the Labor Party held such a deep commitment to collecting the economic rent of land rather than financing the cost of government by direct and indirect taxation. No one has ever explained how such a basic policy commitment was mysteriously dropped from Labor’s platform. No decision to do so was ever carried by the party’s Federal Conference. "Australia's unions must change direction if they are to achieve lasting benefits for their members. They must screem blue murder at Governments. Demand a reduction in taxation coupled with an increase of the rent of the land for public revenue only in that way shall the Australian workforce achieve the standard of living it deserves". (Rent as Revenue: Book Review) "It is better to pay a small amount of land tax (rent) on your block of land than to pay a large amount in income tax and indirect taxation. I am certain that the ALP will once again produce the kind of statesmen who in yesteryears had the intelligence and the integrity to be right (and support the economic philosophy of Henry George)... that will one day make it possible for Christians to truly say, "Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven". (Speech extract)

Alfred Deakin, Australian Prime Minister

The whole of the people have the right to the ownership of land and the right to share in the value of land itself, though not to share in the fruits of land which properly belong to the individuals by whose labour they are produced.