
Melb council CEO resigns

David Pitchford announces his resignation from Melbourne City Council

The Chief Executive of Melbourne City Council, David Pitchford is heading for Dubai. (ABC TV)

The Chief Executive of Melbourne City Council has resigned, to take up a position with a property development company in Dubai.

David Pitchford came under fire three months ago, when dozens of council staff were sacked, after an independent report criticised the council's financial management.

Mr Pitchford says the decision to leave is entirely his and the job cuts he ordered were necessary.

"I think that that's a good thing it happened under my watch because it was certainly well and truly needed," he said.

"It hadn't been done for 16 or 17 years and the fact that I decided to do it was a bold and brave move but I stand by the fact that it needed to be done".

Mr Pitchford says he leaves the council in a solid financial position.

"We've got over $3.5 billion in assets, $250 million in cash reserves," he said.

"We just delivered an operating surplus of $174.5 million and the situation couldn't be more sound".

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