
Gerald Dusseldorp

Mr. Dusseldorp’s evidence was strongly in favour of rating on the site value rather than the value of improvements. (11535) Q: Do you think that there would be any shortage of sites and buildings available for re-development under an annual value rating system as compared with an unimproved value rating system? A: I think that the tendency would be that....NAV would definitely pay an owner who is in no hurry to pay the rates and taxes without improving it, because the chance is that he would recover that plus, when the market is right, so that he can ride the “booms” and the “troughs.” If he misses one boom period he can just sit it out and wait for the next one and he is bound to recover more than he has paid out during the time, plus the fact that what he collects is tax free, yet his rates and taxes will be deductible during that period from any income that he might derive from other sources.” N.S.W. Royal Commission on Local Government Finance 1967 Chairman Lendlease

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